Conferences and Workshops
S.No |
Name of the Faculty |
Designation |
Conference/Workshop/FDP |
Period |
Organized by |
1 |
Dr. Bipin B. Jayasingh, |
Professor & Head, IT Dept. |
Data science & Deep Learning (FDP) |
22nd & 23th July 2019 |
JNTU Hyderabad |
Front End Engineering (FDP) |
27th - 31st August 2019 |
IT Dept., CVRCE |
A Deep into Blockchain Technology and Application Development (FDP) |
2nd -6th December 2019 |
CSE Dept., CVRCE |
Transformations in Engineering Education (Conference) |
5th - 8th January 2019 |
ANURAG Group of Institution |
2 |
Dr. R Seetharamaiah |
Professor, IT Dept |
Machine Learning (ML-2019) |
18th - 30th November, 2019 |
CSE Dept., CVRCE |
3 |
Dr. B Vikranth |
Professor, IT Dept |
Computational Approach in Big Data Analytics (FDP) |
16th -21st December 2019 |
Vasavi College of Engineering |
Machine Learning (ML-2019) |
18th - 30th November, 2019 |
CSE Dept., CVRCE |
Front End Engineering (FDP) |
27th - 31st August 2019 |
IT Dept., CVRCE |
4 |
Dr. J Sengathir |
Assoc Professor, IT Dept |
Bayesian Personalized Ranking based Rank Prediction Scheme (BPR-RPS) (Conference) |
12th -13th December 2019 |
Coimbatore, India. |
A Hybrid ABC and Harmony Search Algorithm-Based Metahueristic Approach for Efficient Routing in WSNs. (Conference) |
December 2019 |
International conference on Networks, Hyderabad, Elseveier, Vol-143, 360-366 |
Computing Paradigms for Emerging IoT Applications (FDP) |
4th -8th November 2019 |
PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore |
Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet of Things |
12th -14th November 2019 |
Equity Action Plan, TEQIP-III, JNTUH organized by Dept. ECE, CVRCE |
Recent Trends in Cyber Security (Short term course) |
05th - 11th February 2020 |
Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry |
5 |
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Godi |
Professor, IT Dept |
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning |
22nd -26th July 2019 |
IIT, Tirupathi |
Machine Learning (ML-2019) |
18th - 30th November, 2019 |
CSE Dept., CVRCE |
6 |
Dr. S V Suryanarayana |
Assoc Professor, IT Dept |
Machine Learning (ML-2019) |
18th - 30th November, 2019 |
CSE Dept., CVRCE |
7 |
Mr. A Mallareddy |
Assoc Professor, IT Dept |
Secured Data aggregation scheme for IoT applications in cloud (Conference) |
14th & 15th February 2020 |
CSE Dept., JNTUH, Hyderabad |
Computing Paradigms for Emerging IoT Applications (FDP) |
4th - 8th November 2019 |
PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore |
Statistics in Data Science (FDP) |
7th, 14th and 21st December, 2019 |
H&S Dept., CVRCE |
Computational Approach in Big Data Analytics (FDP) |
16th - 21st December 2019 |
Vasavi College of Engineering |
8 |
Mr. C V S Satya Murty |
Assoc Professor, IT Dept |
Machine Learning (ML-2019) |
18th - 30th November, 2019 |
CSE Dept., CVRCE |
Statistics in Data Science |
7th, 14th and 21st December, 2019 |
H&S Dept., CVRCE |
9 |
Mr. Nayani Sateesh |
Asst. Professor, IT Dept |
Machine Learning (ML-2019) |
18th - 30th November, 2019 |
CSE Dept., CVRCE |
10 |
Dr. G N Balaji |
Assoc Professor, IT Dept |
Cyber Security (FDP) |
21st - 25th October 2019 |
Govt. College of Engineering, SriRangam, Trichy |
Machine Learning (ML-2019) |
18th - 30th November, 2019 |
CSE Dept., CVRCE |
11 |
Mrs. G.Bhagya Sri |
Asst Professor, IT Dept |
International Workshop on Advances in Cloud Computing (FDP) |
27th - 31st December 2019 |
University College of Engineering, OU |
12 |
Mrs. G. Sunitha Rekha |
Asst Professor, IT Dept |
Data Science & Deep Learning (FDP) |
22nd & 23rd July 2019 |
School of Information Technology, JNTUH, HYD. |
Front End Engineering (FDP) |
27th - 31st August 2019 |
IT Dept., CVRCE |
8051 Microcontroller |
2nd - 4th December 2019 |
ECE Dept., CVRCE |
International Workshop on Advances in Cloud Computing (FDP) |
27th - 31st December 2019 |
University College of Engineering, OU |
4 Day Design Thinking Training Program |
January 2020 |
LaunchSpace, CVRCE |
13 |
Mrs. Sri Chandana Abbineni |
Asst Professor, IT Dept |
Data Science & Deep Learning (FDP) |
22nd & 23rd July 2019 |
School of Information Technology, JNTUH, HYD. |
4 Day Design Thinking Training Program |
January 2020 |
LaunchSpace, CVRCE |
14 |
Mrs. Yashasree Jambavathi |
Asst Professor, IT Dept |
Java Programming (FDP) |
30 hours, 20 December 2019 |
Oracle Academy |
Faculty Volunteer in Hackathon League |
27th and 28th December , 2019 |
CVRCE in association with JHUB JNTUH |
Natural Languages and Chatbots |
9th January |
Oracle academy knowledge builder |
Statistics in Data Science |
7th, 14th and 21st December, 2019 |
H&S Dept., CVRCE |
15 |
Mrs. T. Nishitha |
Asst Professor, IT Dept |
IoT for Emerging Applications |
14th -15th December 2018 |
E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati, CBIT, HYD. |
Data Science Using R (FDP) |
04th - 08th February 2019 |
IT Dept., CVRCE |
16 |
Mrs. M. Prathyusha |
Asst Professor, IT Dept |
Front End Engineering (FDP) |
27th - 31st August 2019 |
IT Dept., CVRCE |
8051 Microcontroller |
2nd - 4th December 2019 |
ECE Dept., CVRCE |
International Workshop on Advances in Cloud Computing (FDP) |
27th - 31st December 2019 |
University College of Engineering, OU |
17 |
Mr. SK. Akbar |
Asst Professor, IT Dept |
Front End Engineering (FDP) |
27th - 31st August 2019 |
IT Dept., CVRCE |
Faculty Volunteer in Hackathon League |
27th and 28th December, 2019 |
CVRCE in association with JHUB JNTUH |
Natural Languages and Chatbots |
9th January |
Oracle academy knowledge builder |
Java Programming (FDP) |
30 hours, 20 December 2019 |
Oracle Academy |
19 |
Mr. B. Kiran Kumar |
Asst Professor, IT Dept |
Front End Engineering (FDP) |
27th - 31st August 2019 |
IT Dept., CVRCE |
20 |
Mr. Bhargav Somisetty |
Asst Professor, IT Dept |
Statistics in Data Science |
7th,14th and 21st December, 2019 |
H&S Dept., CVRCE |
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Designation | Conferences/workshops/FDPs | Period | Organized By |
1 | Dr. Bipin Bihari Jayasingh | Professor & Head, IT Dept. | International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE-2020) 2018 | 5th -8th January 2020 | Anurag Group of Institutions |
International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE-2020) 2018 | 27th – 31st August 2019 | IT Dept., CVRCE | |||
2 | Dr. B Vikranth | Professor, IT Dept. | Computational Approach in Big Data Analytics (FDP) | 16th -21st December 2019 | Vasavi College of Engineering |
Front End Engineering (FDP) | 27th – 31st August 2019 | IT Dept., CVRCE | |||
3 | Dr . J Sengathir | Assoc Professor, IT Dept | Computing Paradigms for Emerging IoT Applications (FDP) | 4th -8th November 2019 | PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore |
Recent Trends in Cyber Security (Short term course) | 05th – 11th February 2020 | Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry | |||
4 | Mr. A Mallareddy | Assoc Professor, IT Dept | Computing Paradigms for Emerging IoT Applications (FDP) | 4th -8th November 2019 | PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore |
Computational Approach in Big Data Analytics (FDP) | 16th -21st December 2019 | Vasavi College of Engineering | |||
5 | Dr. G N Balaji | Assoc Professor, IT Dept | Cyber Security (FDP) | 21st -25th October 2019 | Govt. College of Engineering, SriRangam, Trichy |
6 | Mrs. G.Bhagya Sri | Assoc Professor, IT Dept | International Workshop on Advances in Cloud Computing (FDP) | 27th – 31st December 2019 | University College of Engineering, OU |
7 | Mrs. G. Sunitha Rekha | Asst Professor, IT Dept | Data Science & Deep Learning (FDP) | 22nd & 23rd July 2019 | School of Information Technology, JNTUH, HYD. |
Front End Engineering (FDP) | 27th – 31st August 2019 | IT Dept., CVRCE | |||
8051 Microcontroller | 2nd – 4th December 2019 | ECE Dept., CVRCE | |||
International Workshop on Advances in Cloud Computing (FDP) | 27th – 31st December 2019 | University College of Engineering, OU | |||
4 Day Design Thinking Training Program | January 2020 | LaunchSpace, CVRCE | |||
8 | Mrs. Sri Chandana Abbineni | Asst Professor, IT Dept | Data Science & Deep Learning (FDP) | 22nd & 23rd July 2019 | School of Information Technology, JNTUH, HYD. |
School of Information Technology, JNTUH, HYD. | January 2020 | LaunchSpace, CVRCE | |||
9 | Mrs. Yashasree Jambavathi | Asst Professor, IT Dept | Java Programming (FDP) | 30 hours, 20 December 2019 | Oracle Academy |
International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE-2020) 2018 | 27th – 31st August 2019 | IT Dept., CVRCE | |||
10 | Mrs. T. Nishitha | Asst Professor, IT Dept | IoT for Emerging Applications | 14th -15th December 2018 | E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati, CBIT, HYD. |
Data Science Using R (FDP) | 04th – 08th February 2019 | IT Dept., CVRCE | |||
11 | Mrs. M. Prathyusha | Assoc Professor, IT Dept | Front End Engineering (FDP) | 27th – 31st August 2019 | IT Dept., CVRCE |
8051 Microcontroller | 2nd – 4th December 2019 | ECE Dept., CVRCE | |||
International Workshop on Advances in Cloud Computing (FDP) | 27th – 31st December 2019 | University College of Engineering, OU | |||
12 | Mr. SK. Akbar | Assoc Professor, IT Dept | Front End Engineering (FDP) | 27th – 31st August 2019 | IT Dept., CVRCE |
Java Programming (FDP) | 30 hours, 20 December 2019 | Oracle Academy | |||
13 | Mr. K. Kavitha | Assoc Professor, IT Dept | IoT and Smart Applications (FDP) | 26th & 27th June 2019 | CSI SB., CVRCE |
14 | Mr. B. Kiran Kumar | Assoc Professor, IT Dept | Front End Engineering (FDP) | 27th – 31st August 2019 | IT Dept., CVRCE |
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Title | Dates | No. of days | Place/Venue details | International/National |
1 | Mr. C.V.S. Satyamurthy | Information System Design and Intelligent Applications | 15-17 June, 2017 | 3 | Duy Tan University, Vietnam | International |
2 | Mr. M. Srinivas | 38th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing | 23-27th October, 2017 | 5 | New Delhi,India | International |
3 | Mr. C.V.S. Satyamurthy | Rough Sets and Soft Computing in Big Data Realm | 9-11 November, 2017 | 3 | CVRCE-CSE | International |
4 | Mr. A. Seetharam Nagesh | Rough Sets and Soft Computing in Big Data Realm | 9-11 November, 2017 | 3 | CVRCE-CSE | International |
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Title | Dates | No. of days | Place/Venue details | FDP/Workshop |
1 | Mrs. A. Sri Chandana | English Communication Skills | 5-16 June,2017 | 11 | CVRCE-H&S | FDP |
2 | B. Satheesh Kumar | English Communication Skills | 5-16 June, 2017 | 11 | CVRCE-H&S | FDP |
3 | Mr. S. Bhargav | English Communication Skills | 5-16 June, 2017 | 11 | CVRCE-H&S | FDP |
4 | Ms. K. Anusha | English Communication Skills | 5-16 June, 2017 | 11 | CVRCE-H&S | FDP |
5 | Dr. Bipin Bihari Jaya Singh | Cloud Computing | 12-17 June, 2017 | 7 | CVRCE-IT | FDP |
6 | Mrs. Jyothi Kiranmayi | Cloud Computing | 12-17 June, 2017 | 7 | CVRCE-IT | FDP |
7 | Mrs. N. Pavani | Cloud Computing | 12-17 June, 2017 | 7 | CVRCE-IT | FDP |
8 | Mrs. G. BhagyaSri | Cloud Computing | 12-17 June, 2017 | 7 | CVRCE-IT | FDP |
9 | Mrs. G. Sunitha Rekha | Cloud Computing | 12-17 June, 2017 | 7 | CVRCE-IT | FDP |
10 | Mr. Nayani Sateesh | Cloud Computing | 12-17 June, 2017 | 7 | CVRCE-IT | FDP |
11 | Mrs. S. Jyothsna | Cloud Computing | 12-17 June, 2017 | 7 | CVRCE-IT | FDP |
12 | Mrs. D. Mamatha Rani | Cloud Computing | 12-17 June, 2017 | 7 | CVRCE-IT | FDP |
13 | Mr. D. Bhanu Mahesh | Internet of Things and Smart Applications | 27 Nov 2017 to 01 Dec 2017 | 7 | CVRCE-CSE | FDP |
14 | Mrs. T. Nishitha | Internet of Things and Smart Applications | 27 Nov 2017 to 01 Dec 2017 | 7 | CVRCE-CSE | FDP |
15 | Mr. S. Bhargav | Internet of Things and Smart Applications | 27 Nov 2017 to 01 Dec 2017 | 7 | CVRCE-CSE | FDP |
16 | Dr. H. N. Lakshmi | iOS Development Workshop | 21-24 August, 2017 | 4 | CVRCE-CSE | FDP |
17 | Mr. A. Seetharam Nagesh | iOS Development Workshop | 21-24 August, 2017 | 4 | CVRCE-CSE | FDP |
18 | Mrs. G. Bhagyasri | iOS Development Workshop | 21-24 August, 2017 | 4 | CVRCE-CSE | FDP |
19 | Mr. S. Bhargav | iOS Development Workshop | 21-24 August, 2017 | 4 | CVRCE-CSE | FDP |
20 | Mrs. S. Jyothsna | iOS Development Workshop | 21-24 August, 2017 | 4 | CVRCE-CSE | FDP |
21 | Dr. H. N. Lakshmi | Rough Sets and Soft Computing in Big Data Realm | 9-11 November, 2017 | 3 | CVRCE-CSE | Pre- Conference Workshop |
22 | Mr. A. SeethaRam Nagesh | Rough Sets and Soft Computing in Big Data Realm | 9-11 November, 2017 | 3 | CVRCE-CSE | Pre- Conference Workshop |
23 | Mrs. N. Pavani | Research Methodology | 11-12 August, 2017 | 2 | CVRCE-EIE & H&S | Workshop |
24 | Mrs. G. Sunitha Rekha | Research Methodology | 11-12,August, 2017 | 2 | CVRCE-EIE & H&S | Workshop |
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Title | Dates | No. of days | Place/Venue details | FDP/Workshop |
1 | Mrs. A. Sri Chandana | Enterpreneurship Development | 30 Oct to 11 November, 2017 | 2 weeks | National Institute for Micro Enterprises (Ministry of MSME) | FDP |
2 | Mrs. D. Mamatha Rani | SalesForce Trailhead Developer Educator | 29-30, November,2017 | 2 | BVRIT, Narsapur | FDP |
3 | Ms. K. Anusha | Internet of Things | 28-Sept,2017 | 1 | ECIL-HYD | Workshop |
4 | Mrs. E. Jyothikiranmayi | Advanced Wireless Communications and Networks | 11-16,December,2017 | 1 week | VBIT-HYD Collaboration with E&ICT-NIT, Warangal | FDP |
5 | Ms. K. Anusha | Avenues for Technology & Research in IoT | 11-16,December,2017 | 1 week | MGIT, Hyd | FDP |
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Title | Dates | No. of days | Place/Venue details | FDP/Workshop |
1 | Dr. H. N. Lakshmi | Data Science Applications and Practices in R | 13-18 December,2017 | 7 | Muffakham Jah College of Engg. & Tech. -HYD | STTP |
2 | Mr. S. Bhargav | Data Science Applications and Practices in R | 13-18 December,2017 | 7 | Muffakham Jah College of Engg. & Tech. -HYD | STTP |
3 | Mrs. N. Pavani | Big Data Analytics for Humanitarian Causes | 20-27 December, 2017 | 7 | OU-HYD -Dept. of CSE | Short Term Course |
4 | Mrs. G. Sunitha Rekha | Big Data Analytics for Humanitarian Causes | 20-27 December, 2017 | 7 | OU-HYD -Dept. of CSE | Short Term Course |
5 | Mrs. S. Jyothsna | Big Data Analytics for Humanitarian Causes | 20-27 December, 2017 | 7 | OU-HYD -Dept. of CSE | Short Term Course |
6 | Mrs. N. Pavani | Engineering Research Methodology | 11-14 December, 2017 | 4 | OU-HYD -Dept. of CSE | Short Term Course |
7 | Mrs. S. Jyothsna | Engineering Research Methodology | 11-14 December, 2017 | 4 | OU-HYD -Dept. of CSE | Short Term Course |