CVR College Of Engineering
Department Of
Information Technology

2019 - 2020

Workshops, short term programmes attended by the faculty.


Name of the Faculty




Organized by


Dr. Bipin B. Jayasingh, 

Professor & Head, IT Dept.

Data science & Deep Learning (FDP)

22nd & 23th July 2019

JNTU Hyderabad

Front End Engineering (FDP)

27th - 31st August 2019


A Deep into Blockchain Technology and Application Development (FDP)

2nd -6th December 2019


Transformations in Engineering Education (Conference)

5th - 8th January 2019

ANURAG Group of Institution


Dr. R Seetharamaiah

Professor, IT Dept

Machine Learning (ML-2019)

18th - 30th November, 2019



Dr. B Vikranth

Professor, IT Dept

Computational Approach in Big Data Analytics (FDP)

16th -21st December 2019

Vasavi College of Engineering

Machine Learning (ML-2019)

18th - 30th November, 2019


Front End Engineering (FDP)

27th - 31st August 2019



Dr. J Sengathir

Assoc Professor, IT Dept

Bayesian Personalized Ranking based Rank Prediction Scheme (BPR-RPS) (Conference)

12th -13th December 2019

Coimbatore, India.

A Hybrid ABC and Harmony Search Algorithm-Based Metahueristic Approach for Efficient Routing in WSNs. (Conference)

December 2019

International conference on Networks, Hyderabad, Elseveier, Vol-143, 360-366

Computing Paradigms for Emerging IoT Applications (FDP)

4th -8th November 2019

PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore

Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet of Things

12th -14th November 2019

Equity Action Plan, TEQIP-III, JNTUH organized by Dept. ECE, CVRCE

Recent Trends in Cyber Security (Short term course)

05th - 11th February 2020

Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry


Dr. Rakesh Kumar Godi

Professor, IT Dept

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

22nd -26th July 2019

IIT, Tirupathi

Machine Learning (ML-2019)

18th - 30th November, 2019



Dr. S V Suryanarayana

Assoc Professor, IT


Machine Learning (ML-2019)

18th - 30th November, 2019



Mr. A Mallareddy

Assoc Professor, IT Dept

Secured Data aggregation scheme for IoT applications in cloud (Conference)

14th & 15th February 2020

CSE Dept., JNTUH, Hyderabad

Computing Paradigms for Emerging IoT Applications (FDP)

4th - 8th November 2019

PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore

Statistics in Data Science (FDP)

7th, 14th and 21st December, 2019

H&S Dept., CVRCE

Computational Approach in Big Data Analytics (FDP)

16th - 21st December 2019

Vasavi College of Engineering


Mr. C V S Satya Murty

Assoc Professor, IT Dept

Machine Learning (ML-2019)

18th - 30th November, 2019


Statistics in Data Science

7th, 14th and 21st December, 2019

H&S Dept., CVRCE


Mr. Nayani Sateesh

Asst. Professor, IT Dept

Machine Learning (ML-2019)

18th - 30th November, 2019



Dr. G N Balaji

Assoc Professor, IT


Cyber Security (FDP)

21st - 25th October 2019

Govt. College of Engineering, SriRangam, Trichy

Machine Learning (ML-2019)

18th - 30th November, 2019



Mrs. G.Bhagya Sri 

Asst Professor, IT Dept

International Workshop on Advances in Cloud Computing (FDP)

27th - 31st December 2019

University College of Engineering, OU


Mrs. G. Sunitha Rekha

Asst Professor, IT Dept

Data Science & Deep Learning (FDP)

22nd & 23rd July 2019

School of Information Technology, JNTUH, HYD.

Front End Engineering (FDP)

27th - 31st August 2019


8051 Microcontroller

2nd - 4th December 2019


International Workshop on Advances in Cloud Computing (FDP)

27th - 31st December 2019

University College of Engineering, OU

4 Day Design Thinking Training Program 

January 2020

LaunchSpace, CVRCE


Mrs. Sri Chandana Abbineni

Asst Professor, IT Dept

Data Science & Deep Learning (FDP)

22nd & 23rd July 2019

School of Information Technology, JNTUH, HYD.

4 Day Design Thinking Training Program

January 2020

LaunchSpace, CVRCE


Mrs. Yashasree Jambavathi

Asst Professor, IT Dept

Java Programming (FDP)

30 hours, 20 December 2019

Oracle Academy

Faculty Volunteer in Hackathon League

27th and 28th December , 2019

CVRCE in association with JHUB JNTUH

Natural Languages and Chatbots

9th January

Oracle academy knowledge builder

Statistics in Data Science

7th, 14th and 21st December, 2019

H&S Dept., CVRCE


Mrs. T. Nishitha

Asst Professor, IT Dept

IoT for Emerging Applications

14th -15th December 2018

E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati, CBIT, HYD.

Data Science Using R (FDP)

04th - 08th February 2019



Mrs. M. Prathyusha 

Asst Professor, IT Dept

Front End Engineering (FDP)

27th - 31st August 2019


8051 Microcontroller

2nd - 4th December 2019


International Workshop on Advances in Cloud Computing (FDP)

27th - 31st December 2019

University College of Engineering, OU


Mr. SK. Akbar

Asst Professor, IT Dept

Front End Engineering (FDP)

27th - 31st August 2019


Faculty Volunteer in Hackathon League

27th and 28th December, 2019

CVRCE in association with JHUB JNTUH

Natural Languages and Chatbots

9th January

Oracle academy knowledge builder

Java Programming (FDP)

30 hours, 20 December 2019

Oracle Academy


Mr. B. Kiran Kumar

Asst Professor, IT Dept

Front End Engineering (FDP)

27th - 31st August 2019



Mr. Bhargav Somisetty

Asst Professor, IT Dept

Statistics in Data Science

7th,14th and 21st December, 2019

H&S Dept., CVRCE

2018 - 2019

Workshops, short term programmes attended by the faculty.

S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Conferences/workshops/FDPs Period Organized By
1 Dr. Bipin Bihari Jayasingh Professor & Head, IT Dept. International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE-2020) 2018 5th -8th January 2020 Anurag Group of Institutions
International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE-2020) 2018 27th – 31st August 2019 IT Dept., CVRCE
2 Dr. B Vikranth Professor, IT Dept. Computational Approach in Big Data Analytics (FDP) 16th -21st December 2019 Vasavi College of Engineering
Front End Engineering (FDP) 27th – 31st August 2019 IT Dept., CVRCE
3 Dr . J Sengathir Assoc Professor, IT Dept Computing Paradigms for Emerging IoT Applications (FDP) 4th -8th November 2019 PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore
Recent Trends in Cyber Security (Short term course) 05th – 11th February 2020 Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry
4 Mr. A Mallareddy Assoc Professor, IT Dept Computing Paradigms for Emerging IoT Applications (FDP) 4th -8th November 2019 PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore
Computational Approach in Big Data Analytics (FDP) 16th -21st December 2019 Vasavi College of Engineering
5 Dr. G N Balaji Assoc Professor, IT Dept Cyber Security (FDP) 21st -25th October 2019 Govt. College of Engineering, SriRangam, Trichy
6 Mrs. G.Bhagya Sri Assoc Professor, IT Dept International Workshop on Advances in Cloud Computing (FDP) 27th – 31st December 2019 University College of Engineering, OU
7 Mrs. G. Sunitha Rekha Asst Professor, IT Dept Data Science & Deep Learning (FDP) 22nd & 23rd July 2019 School of Information Technology, JNTUH, HYD.
Front End Engineering (FDP) 27th – 31st August 2019 IT Dept., CVRCE
8051 Microcontroller 2nd – 4th December 2019 ECE Dept., CVRCE
International Workshop on Advances in Cloud Computing (FDP) 27th – 31st December 2019 University College of Engineering, OU
4 Day Design Thinking Training Program January 2020 LaunchSpace, CVRCE
8 Mrs. Sri Chandana Abbineni Asst Professor, IT Dept Data Science & Deep Learning (FDP) 22nd & 23rd July 2019 School of Information Technology, JNTUH, HYD.
School of Information Technology, JNTUH, HYD. January 2020 LaunchSpace, CVRCE
9 Mrs. Yashasree Jambavathi Asst Professor, IT Dept Java Programming (FDP) 30 hours, 20 December 2019 Oracle Academy
International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE-2020) 2018 27th – 31st August 2019 IT Dept., CVRCE
10 Mrs. T. Nishitha Asst Professor, IT Dept IoT for Emerging Applications 14th -15th December 2018 E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati, CBIT, HYD.
Data Science Using R (FDP) 04th – 08th February 2019 IT Dept., CVRCE
11 Mrs. M. Prathyusha Assoc Professor, IT Dept Front End Engineering (FDP) 27th – 31st August 2019 IT Dept., CVRCE
8051 Microcontroller 2nd – 4th December 2019 ECE Dept., CVRCE
International Workshop on Advances in Cloud Computing (FDP) 27th – 31st December 2019 University College of Engineering, OU
12 Mr. SK. Akbar Assoc Professor, IT Dept Front End Engineering (FDP) 27th – 31st August 2019 IT Dept., CVRCE
Java Programming (FDP) 30 hours, 20 December 2019 Oracle Academy
13 Mr. K. Kavitha Assoc Professor, IT Dept IoT and Smart Applications (FDP) 26th & 27th June 2019 CSI SB., CVRCE
14 Mr. B. Kiran Kumar Assoc Professor, IT Dept Front End Engineering (FDP) 27th – 31st August 2019 IT Dept., CVRCE

June 2017- May 2018

List of Conferences attended by faculty in the year June 2017 - May 2018

S.No Name of the Faculty Title Dates No. of days Place/Venue details International/National
1 Mr. C.V.S. Satyamurthy Information System Design and Intelligent Applications 15-17 June, 2017 3 Duy Tan University, Vietnam International
2 Mr. M. Srinivas 38th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 23-27th October, 2017 5 New Delhi,India International
3 Mr. C.V.S. Satyamurthy Rough Sets and Soft Computing in Big Data Realm 9-11 November, 2017 3 CVRCE-CSE International
4 Mr. A. Seetharam Nagesh Rough Sets and Soft Computing in Big Data Realm 9-11 November, 2017 3 CVRCE-CSE International

List of Workshops and FDPs attended by faculty in the year June 2017 - May 2018(In House)

S.No Name of the Faculty Title Dates No. of days Place/Venue details FDP/Workshop
1 Mrs. A. Sri Chandana English Communication Skills 5-16 June,2017 11 CVRCE-H&S FDP
2 B. Satheesh Kumar English Communication Skills 5-16 June, 2017 11 CVRCE-H&S FDP
3 Mr. S. Bhargav English Communication Skills 5-16 June, 2017 11 CVRCE-H&S FDP
4 Ms. K. Anusha English Communication Skills 5-16 June, 2017 11 CVRCE-H&S FDP
5 Dr. Bipin Bihari Jaya Singh Cloud Computing 12-17 June, 2017 7 CVRCE-IT FDP
6 Mrs. Jyothi Kiranmayi Cloud Computing 12-17 June, 2017 7 CVRCE-IT FDP
7 Mrs. N. Pavani Cloud Computing 12-17 June, 2017 7 CVRCE-IT FDP
8 Mrs. G. BhagyaSri Cloud Computing 12-17 June, 2017 7 CVRCE-IT FDP
9 Mrs. G. Sunitha Rekha Cloud Computing 12-17 June, 2017 7 CVRCE-IT FDP
10 Mr. Nayani Sateesh Cloud Computing 12-17 June, 2017 7 CVRCE-IT FDP
11 Mrs. S. Jyothsna Cloud Computing 12-17 June, 2017 7 CVRCE-IT FDP
12 Mrs. D. Mamatha Rani Cloud Computing 12-17 June, 2017 7 CVRCE-IT FDP
13 Mr. D. Bhanu Mahesh Internet of Things and Smart Applications 27 Nov 2017 to 01 Dec 2017 7 CVRCE-CSE FDP
14 Mrs. T. Nishitha Internet of Things and Smart Applications 27 Nov 2017 to 01 Dec 2017 7 CVRCE-CSE FDP
15 Mr. S. Bhargav Internet of Things and Smart Applications 27 Nov 2017 to 01 Dec 2017 7 CVRCE-CSE FDP
16 Dr. H. N. Lakshmi iOS Development Workshop 21-24 August, 2017 4 CVRCE-CSE FDP
17 Mr. A. Seetharam Nagesh iOS Development Workshop 21-24 August, 2017 4 CVRCE-CSE FDP
18 Mrs. G. Bhagyasri iOS Development Workshop 21-24 August, 2017 4 CVRCE-CSE FDP
19 Mr. S. Bhargav iOS Development Workshop 21-24 August, 2017 4 CVRCE-CSE FDP
20 Mrs. S. Jyothsna iOS Development Workshop 21-24 August, 2017 4 CVRCE-CSE FDP
21 Dr. H. N. Lakshmi Rough Sets and Soft Computing in Big Data Realm 9-11 November, 2017 3 CVRCE-CSE Pre- Conference Workshop
22 Mr. A. SeethaRam Nagesh Rough Sets and Soft Computing in Big Data Realm 9-11 November, 2017 3 CVRCE-CSE Pre- Conference Workshop
23 Mrs. N. Pavani Research Methodology 11-12 August, 2017 2 CVRCE-EIE & H&S Workshop
24 Mrs. G. Sunitha Rekha Research Methodology 11-12,August, 2017 2 CVRCE-EIE & H&S Workshop

List of Workshops and FDPs attended by faculty in the year June 2017 - May 2018(In House)

S.No Name of the Faculty Title Dates No. of days Place/Venue details FDP/Workshop
1 Mrs. A. Sri Chandana Enterpreneurship Development 30 Oct to 11 November, 2017 2 weeks National Institute for Micro Enterprises (Ministry of MSME) FDP
2 Mrs. D. Mamatha Rani SalesForce Trailhead Developer Educator 29-30, November,2017 2 BVRIT, Narsapur FDP
3 Ms. K. Anusha Internet of Things 28-Sept,2017 1 ECIL-HYD Workshop
4 Mrs. E. Jyothikiranmayi Advanced Wireless Communications and Networks 11-16,December,2017 1 week VBIT-HYD Collaboration with E&ICT-NIT, Warangal FDP
5 Ms. K. Anusha Avenues for Technology & Research in IoT 11-16,December,2017 1 week MGIT, Hyd FDP

List of Workshops and FDPs attended by faculty in the year June 2017 - May 2018(In House)

S.No Name of the Faculty Title Dates No. of days Place/Venue details FDP/Workshop
1 Dr. H. N. Lakshmi Data Science Applications and Practices in R 13-18 December,2017 7 Muffakham Jah College of Engg. & Tech. -HYD STTP
2 Mr. S. Bhargav Data Science Applications and Practices in R 13-18 December,2017 7 Muffakham Jah College of Engg. & Tech. -HYD STTP
3 Mrs. N. Pavani Big Data Analytics for Humanitarian Causes 20-27 December, 2017 7 OU-HYD -Dept. of CSE Short Term Course
4 Mrs. G. Sunitha Rekha Big Data Analytics for Humanitarian Causes 20-27 December, 2017 7 OU-HYD -Dept. of CSE Short Term Course
5 Mrs. S. Jyothsna Big Data Analytics for Humanitarian Causes 20-27 December, 2017 7 OU-HYD -Dept. of CSE Short Term Course
6 Mrs. N. Pavani Engineering Research Methodology 11-14 December, 2017 4 OU-HYD -Dept. of CSE Short Term Course
7 Mrs. S. Jyothsna Engineering Research Methodology 11-14 December, 2017 4 OU-HYD -Dept. of CSE Short Term Course