CVR College Of Engineering
Department Of
Information Technology

Publications 2019-2020

S.No Name of the Faculty Title of the Paper Date Conference / Journal
1 Dr. J. Sengathir,
Associate Professor
Bayesian Personalized Ranking based Rank Prediction Scheme (BPR-RPS) December 2019 BDCC Conference-EAI conference Springer, Vol. 74, Issue 2, pp. 403-412
A Hybrid ABC and Harmony Search Algorithm-Based Metahueristic Approach for Efficient Routing in WSNs December 2019 International conference on Networks, Hyderabad, Elseveier, Vol-143, 360-366
A Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony and Bacterial Foraging Algorithm (IABC-BFA)-based Cluster Head Selection for provisioning QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks. November 2019 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Volume 8, Issue 10
An Intelligent Multi-floor Indoor Positioning System for Cloud based Environment November 2019 International Journal of Computers and Applications-Taylor and Francis Journals
Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony and Monarchy Butterfly Optimization Algorithm (HABC-MBOA)-based Cluster Head Selection for provisioning QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks August 2019 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume-8 Issue-10 August 2019 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume-8 Issue-10
Efficient pre-authentication scheme for inter-ASN handover in high mobility MANET November, 2019 Wireless Networks, Springer, pp.1-5, DOI:
An Integrated Principal Component and Reduced Multivariate Data Analysis Technique for detecting DDoS attacks in Big data federated clouds November 2019 International Journal of Cloud Computing (IJCC)-Inderscience Journal
Improved Privacy Multi-Keyword based secure retrieval scheme for cloud data Feb-2020 International journal of scientific & technology research (ISSN 2277-8616), volume-9, issue-2
2 Dr. Rakesh Kumar Godi, Associate Professor Early Prediction of Rainfall in Coastal Region using Optimized Advanced ANN July 2019 International journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Volume-8, Issue-2, pp. 126-130
A Study of Physiological Homeostasis and Its Analysis Related to Cancer Disease Based on Regulation of pH Values Using Computer-Aided Techniques January 2020 Advances in intelligent systems and computing (Springer), Vol-1079, 725-734
3 Mr. Malla Reddy A,
Associate Professor
Secured Data aggregation scheme for IoT applications in cloud 14th & 15th February 2020 Fourth International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Informatics
4 Mr. CVS Satyamurty,
Associate Professor
Metadata-based Ontological Framework for Semantic Query in Multilingual Databases January 2020 Frontiers in intelligent computing (Springer), 310-318
5 Dr. G. N. Balaji,
Assistant Professor
Detection and Diagnosis of Dilated & Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy from left ventricular parameters in echocardiogram sequences September 2019 International journal of biomedical engineering and technology, Vol 31, Issue -4, 289-300
An Audit of Computer Aided Fracture Detection System September 2019 Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications, Springer, Vol:1 pp:549-559
An Effective and Reliable Computer Automated Technique for Bone Fracture Detection January 2020 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology, 1-6

Publications 2018-2019

S.No Name of the Faculty Title of the Paper Date S. No Name of the Faculty Title of the Paper Date Conference / Journal
1 Dr. Bipin B. Jayasingh,
Professor & Head
Sentiment Analysis Methods Comparison & Comprehensive study of word2vec algorithm April -June 2018 International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering, Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp. 2021-2026
A Study towads Post Hoc Forensic Analysis Using Big Data Analytics June 2018 CVR Journal of Computer Science & Technology, Volume 14, pp: 64-70
Sentiment Analysis and Prediction on Social Networking Posts July 2018 Journal of Applied Science and Computations, ISSN NO: 1076-5131, Volume 5, Issue 7, pp. 171-176
Sentiment Classification on Telugu Twitter Data Set August 2018 Journal of Applied Science and Computations, ISSN NO: 1076-5131, Volume 5, Issue 8, pp. 136-144
Polarity Classification for Telugu Tweets August 2018 Journal of Applied Science and Computations, ISSN NO: 1076-5131, Volume 5, Issue 8, pp. 151-154
2 Dr. S. Venkata Suryanarayana, Assoc. Professor Computer Aided Optical Disc Detection in Fundus Images: A Review June 2018 CVR Journal of Computer Science & Technology, Volume 14, pp: 58-63
Invariant Hand Gesture Recognition System September 2018 International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.6) (2018) pp: 299-301
3 Dr. J. Sengathir,
Associate Professor
A Hybrid Ant Colony and Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm-based Cluster Head Selection for IoT September 2018 8th International Conference on Advances in Computing & Communications at Rajagiri School of Engg. and Tech., Kochi, Kerala
4 Mr. B. Vikranth, Associate Professor Affinity-Aware Synchronization in Work Stealing Run-Times for NUMA Multi-core Processors July 2018 Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies, Springer, pp: 121-131
5 Mr. CVS Satyamurty,
Associate Professor
Metadata Based Semantic Query in Indian Language Databases June 2018 International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER), vol. 08
Performance Evaluation and optimization of Hybrid indexes in Hive September 2018 IJR, Vol-7, Issue-IX
6 Dr. G. N. Balaji,
Assistant Professor
Invariant Hand Gesture Recognition System June 2018 1st International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning and Soft Computing at Dept. of CSE, Vardhaman College of Engineering
Computer Aided Lung Parenchyma Segmentation using Supervised Learning August 2018 Technical Session Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning of the 6th International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering (ICICSE – 2018) organized by Guru Nanak Institutions, Hyderabad
Computer Aided Optical Disc Detection in Fundus Images: A Review June 2018 CVR Journal of Computer Science & Technology, Volume 14, pp: 58-63
Invariant Hand Gesture Recognition System September 2018 International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.6) (2018) pp: 299-301
LBP and GLCM Based Image Forgery Recognition September 2018 International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.6) (2018), PP: 217-219
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Springer, Singapore
Segmentation of jet area to quantity the severity of mitral regurgitation by color Doppler echocardiography December 2018 International Journal of Non Communicable Diseases, Vol 3(4), pp:134-138
Computer Aided Detection and Diagnosis of Diaphyseal Femur Fracture December 2018 3rd International Conference on Smart Computing and Informatics, organized by KIIT University, Bhubaneswar.
7 Mrs. S. Jyothsna,
Assistant Professor
Fully Anonymous Data Access Provision and Attribute Based Encryption Scheme for Efficient Cloud Data Privacy June 2018 CVR Journal of Computer Science & Technology, Volume 14, pp: 71-74
Secure VM Migration to Improve Load Balancing in Cloud Environment August 2018 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSNNO: 2349-5162, volume 5 issue 8, pp:500 –509

Publications 2017 - 2018

S.No Name of the Faculty Title of publication/paper
1 Dr. B. B. Jayasingh DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Analysis and Detection using Packet Header
2 Dr.H.N.Lakshmi Assessment method for Course Outcome attainment: A case study in engineering education
3 Dr.H.N.Lakshmi QoS Based web services selection using a Bi-Level model
4 Dr.H.N.Lakshmi Extended Service Registry for Efficient Web Services Search
5 Dr.H.N.Lakshmi Bi-Level Selection Model for Web Services Search
6 Dr. J. Sengathir Co-operation Enforcing Reputation-Based Detection Techniques and Frameworks for Handling Selfish Node Behaviour in MANETs: A Review
7 Mr. Ch V S Satyamurty Metadata based Semantic query in Multilingual Databases
8 Dr. G. N. Balaji Detection and Diagnosis of Diaphyseal Femur Fracture
9 Dr. G. N. Balaji Automatic X-ray Image Classification System
10 Dr. G. N. Balaji Comparative Analysis of Coherent Routing Using Machine Learning Approach in MANET
Mrs. G. Bhagyasri Assessment method for Course Outcome attainment: A case study in engineering education
12 Mrs. J. Yashasree Assessment method for Course Outcome attainment: A case study in engineering education
13 Mr. S. Bhargav Assessment method for Course Outcome attainment: A case study in engineering education
14 Mr. B. Sateesh Kumar Assessment method for Course Outcome attainment: A case study in engineering education
15 Mrs. T. Nishitha A Review on Mining for Web Engineering Business Intelligence
16 Mrs. K. Anusha Assessment method for Course Outcome attainment: A case study in engineering education
17 M. Srinivas Extracting the features of Medicinal Plants and improving the accuracy of classification using Fuzzy
18 Mr. C. V. S. Satyamurty Extraction of Metadata from ETL Environment
19 Mr. C. V. S. Satyamurty Distributing Contact Coordinate with Unknown Authentication of File Stored In Clouds
20 Mr. C. V. S. Satyamurty Predicting Student Performance Using KNN Classification in Bigdata Environment
21 Mr. C. V. S. Satyamurty Neotric Approach for Data Clustering Through Improved K-Means algorithm Using Hadoop
22 Dr. S V Suryanarayana Efficient Mining Method for Maximal Closed Frequent Sequences without Candidate Generation
23 Mr. A. Seetharam Nagesh Neotric Approach for Data Clustering Through Improved K-Means Algorithm Using Hadoop
24 Mr. A. Seetharam Nagesh Predicting Student Performance Using KNN Classification in Bigdata Environment
25 Mr. J. Vamshi Vijay Krishna Contextual Customization of Reusable Components for High Cohesiveness in Robust Software Development
26 Mr. J. Vamshi Vijay Krishna Refactoring for High Cohesiveness in designing Robust Python Modules
27 Mr. N.Sateesh Open Source Technology: Design Principles, Methodology and Applications- A Literature Review
28 Mrs A.Srichandana Open Source Technology: Design Principles, Methodology and Applications- A Literature Review
29 Mrs.S.Jyothsna Client-Side Authorized Deduplication In Cloud Using PoW
30 M. Srinivas Filling the gaps in Landsat 7 images using texture analysis

Publications 2016-2017

S.No Name of the Faculty Title of publication/paper
1 Dr. Bipin Bihari Jayasingh Inquiry Based Inductive Learning Practices in Engineering Education-A Classroom Study
2 Dr. Bipin Bihari Jayasingh Level wise Filtration System Forensic Analysis of Social Networking
3 Dr. Bipin Bihari Jayasingh Security Issues and Challenges of Big Data Analytics & Visualization
4 Ch V S Satyamurty Developing Higher Education Ontology using Protege: Reasoning
5 E. Jyothi Kiranmayi Cryptography and Trust Based Secure Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks
6 Dr. S V Suryanarayana Major Issues In Spectral Clustering Algorithm To Improve The Quality Of Output Clusters
7 Ch V S Satyamurty Metadata based Semantic query in Relational Databases
8 Dr. G. N. Balaji Automatic X-ray Image Classification System
9 D.Bhanu Mahesh Security Issues and Challenges of Big Data Analytics & Visualization
10 S. Anupkanth Opinion Mining on Authors Citation Characteristics of Scientific Publications
11 N.Sateesh Opinion Mining on Authors Citation Characteristics of Scientific Publications
12 D. Bhanu Mahesh Opinion Mining on Authors Citation Characteristics of Scientific Publications
13 P. Servana Kumar Opinion Mining on Authors Citation Characteristics of Scientific Publications
14 Dr. Bipin Bihari Jayasingh Dynamic load balancing in cloud using extended Hungarian method
15 B. Vikranth Performance Analysis of Load Balancing Queues for Multi-Core Processors
16 Ch V S Satyamurty Publishing Relational data as Virtual RDF
17 E. Jyothi Kiranmayi Attack and Countermeasures on Routing protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey
18 S. Jyothsna Distributed Load Balancing in Cloud using Honey Bee Optimization
19 S. Jyothsna Dynamic load balancing in cloud using extended Hungarian method
20 M. Srinivas Modeling the Peanuts distribution and its impact on climate change for resource conservation
21 M. Srinivas Modelling Peanuts distribution and Impact on Climate Change for Resource Conservation
22 Dr. G. N. Balaji Detection and Diagnosis of Diaphyseal Femur Fracture

Publications 2015-2016

S.No Name of the Faculty Title of publication/paper
1 Dr. Bipin Bihari Jayasingh A Data Mining Approach to Inquiry Based Inductive Learning Practices in Engineering Education
2 Dr.H.N.Lakshmi Usages of Composition Search Tree in Web Service Composition
3 Dr.H.N.Lakshmi Extended Service Registry to Support I/O Parameter- Based Service Search
4 Dr. Bipin Bihari Jayasingh Forensic Analysis of Crime Scenario in Social Networking Website
5 Dr. Bipin Bihari Jayasingh Web Surfer Tracking using Big Data Technologies
6 Mr. B. Vikranth Effective Task Binding in Task Stealing Runtimes for NUMA multi-core Processors
7 Mr. A. MallaReddy Privacy Preserving Public Auditing for Secure Cloud Storage
8 Mr. A. MallaReddy Privacy Preserving Data Aggregation in Communications Network
9 Mr. A. MallaReddy An Efficient, Effective and High Probability Clustering Based Algorithm for Feature Selection
10 Mr. P. Seravana Kumar Autoimmune Diseases - a Wider Perspective
11 Mr. S. Anupkanth Autoimmune Diseases - a Wider Perspective
12 Ms. S.Jyotsna Virtualization Security in Cloud Architecture

Publications 2014-2015

S.No Name of the Faculty Title of publication/paper
1 Dr. Bipin Bihari Jayasingh Location based skyline Queries on Uncertain Database (Conference)
2 Dr. Bipin Bihari Jayasingh Detection of Black-hole Attack in Adhoc Networks (Conference)
3 Dr. Bipin Bihari Jayasingh Classroom Learning Model-Know Your Learn
4 Dr. H. N. Lakshmi Utility of Composition Search Tree for Searching Optimal Service Compositions
5 Dr. H. N. Lakshmi Clustering Web Services on Frequent Output Parameters for I/O based Service Search
6 Dr. H. N. Lakshmi A Preprocessing of Service Registry: Based on I/O Parameter Similarity
7 Dr. H. N. Lakshmi Usages of Composition Search Tree in Web Service Composition
8 Mr. M. Srinivas Fuzzy Classification Technique to Predict the Diagnosis of Heart Disease
9 Mr. M. Srinivas To Predict the Diagnosis of Heart Disease patients using Fuzzy Classification Techniques
10 Mr. S. Anupkanth Autoimmune Diseases - a Wider Perspective
11 Mr. N.Sateesh Big Data: Problems and Prospects
12 Mrs. S.Jyothsna Hypervisor Security in Cloud Computing
13 Mr. P. Seravana Kumar Autoimmune Diseases - a Wider Perspective