CVR College Of Engineering
Department Of
Information Technology

Faculty Details

Basic Information

  • Name: Kommera Aditya Kumar
  • Designation: Assistant Professor
  • Qualification: M.Tech., (PhD)
  • Date of Joining: 06-03-2020
  • Email:
  • Specialization/Research Area: Network Security
  • Total Papers Published: 7
Teaching : 8 years

[1] Aditya Kumar K ,Praneeth Kumar G, "MCDMfJ : Mining Creational Design Motifs from Java source code" , International Journal of Computer and Network Security Vol 2(1)(2010), pp 11-14.
[2] Aditya Kumar K,Keerthana K, and Praneeth Kumar G " A Closer look at RSA and ECC", International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol 2(5)(2011), 2220-2224.
[3] Aditya Kumar K, Dr. Suresh Pabboju and Neela Megha Shyam Desai" Advance Text Steganography Algorithms: An Overview ", International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies Vol 1(4)(2014), pp31-35.
[4] Aditya Kumar K, Ramakanth V and Keerthana K"A Survey on Bit Keys in Cryptography", International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol 1(1)(2015), pp 1-5.
[5] Aditya Kumar K and Dr.Suresh Pabboju “A Comparative Result Analysis of Text Based Steganographic Approaches”, IOSR Journal of Computer and Engineering Vol 17 (3)(2015) Ver.7,pp 70-74.
[6] K.Aditya Kumar, Dr.Suresh Pabboju, "An Optimized Text Steganography Approach using differently spelt English words", International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.118 (16), pp.653-666, 2018.
[7] K.Aditya Kumar, Dr.Suresh Pabboju, “Text Steganography: Design and Implementation of a Secure and Secret Message Sharing System”, Springer link, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering ICETE 2019: Advances in Decision Sciences, Image Processing, Security and Computer Vision pp 470-479, July 2019

B.Tech : 6
M.Tech : 0