CVR College Of Engineering
Department Of
Information Technology

Faculty Details

Basic Information

  • Name: Dr. Rakesh Kumar Godi
  • Designation: Associate Professor
  • Qualification: M.Tech, PhD
  • Date of Joining: 18-06-2018
  • Email:
  • Specialization/Research Area: Medical Image Processing
  • Total Papers Published: 10
Teaching : 8 years
Research : 5 years
Industry : 1 years

National Conference:

• Rakesh Kumar Godi and Dr. Narendra Mustare, “A Study on Artificial Neural Network for
Human Disease Diagnosis”, National Conference on Recent Advances in Biomedical
Electronics Engineering and their Impact on Society, 2013.
• Rakesh Kumar Godi and Dr. Narendra B Mustare “A Study of Physiological Homeostasis and
its analysis for Cancer Cells Prediction Using pH parameter based on ANN Classification “ is
communicated for The IEEE International Conferences on Innovations in Control,
Communication and Information Systems (ICICCI-2017) .
• A Study on Artificial neural networks for Human Disease Diagnosis.
• Biological Feedback System Model for the Analysis of Physiological Homeostasis.
• Human Metabolic Contents and Their Impact on Homeostasis.
• Automatic Counting of RBC’S in Thin Blood Smears for the Detection of Malaria.
• A Study on Virtual Medical Instrument based on Lab VIEW.
• Automatic Diagnosis of Brain Hemorrhage Using ANN.
(papers from serial 1-4 are presented in the National Conference on “Recent Advances in Biomedical Electronics Engineering and their Impact on Society (RABEEIS-13) organized by PDA College of Engineering, GULBARGA. The papers are also published in International National Journal on Embedded and Soft Computing (IJESC) with ISSN: 2250-1371).


International Conference:

1. Rakesh Kumar Godi and Dr. Narendra Mustare, “PH Homeostasis Reflected in Capacitance Relaxation Phenomena”, Proc. Of International Conference on Advance technology in Engineering (ICN), pp.125-132, 2015.
2. Rakesh Kumar Godi and Dr. Narendra Mustare, “A Study on Implications of Dynamic Remodeling and Homeostasis of the Extra Cellular Matrix for Cancer Disease”, International Conference on ICRIET, BKIT College of Engineering, Bhalki Karnataka, Nov 12th and 13th 2016.
3. Rakesh Kumar Godi and Dr. Narendra Mustare, “Physiological Positive Feedback Mechanism”,
Proc. of International Conference on Advance in Modeling and Simulation (AMS), pp. 173 – 179, 2016.
4. Rakesh Kumar Godi and Dr. Narendra Mustare “Extracellular and Intra – cellular Regulation of pH Homeostasis”, Proc. of International Conference on Modeling Computation Controlling and
Instrumentation (MCCI2016), pp. 256 – 262, 2016.
5. Rakesh Kumar Godi and Dr. Narendra Mustare, “Influence of Tumor pH on Therapeutic Response” International Conference on Advances in Computer Science Technologies byIJARCST pp 132-137,2016
6. “Classification of Brain Cancer using artificial neural network” international conference at Penang, Malaysia, Nov 27-28, 2012.
7. “A Novel shape-based Diagnostic Approach for early Diagnosis of lung Cancer” international Conference at BANGKOK Dec28-29, 2012.
8. “Effect of pH and Lactic concentration on E.coli growth rate” Proc. of International conference on Advances in modeling and simulation (AMS-2010), at BIGCE Sholapur, India, November 2010, pp 173-179.
9. “PH and ionic strength influence on hydrophobicity and electron donor and acceptor properties of E.coli.” Proc. of International Conference on Modeling, Computation and Controlling (MCC-2010), at DSCE Bangalore, India, 21st-23rd November2010, pp 256-262.
10. “Vedic Aurveda and its Scientific Evaluation by bio-medical Techniques” Proc. of International Conference on Scientific Validation and Technical Evaluation of Ancient Medical Systems (SVTEAMS-11) at DSCE, Bangalore, India, 15th to 17th March 2007.
11. “Model of E.coli. growth rate homeostasis” Proc. of International Conference on Biotechnology and Nanotechnology (ICBN-2011), at Venice, Italy 27-29 April, 2011,pp 315.


Journal Publications:

1. Rakesh Kumar Godi and Dr. Narendra Mustare, “Cancer Prediction Based on pH Parameter Using Computer Aided Technique”, in Springer Publication.
2. Rakesh Kumar Godi and Dr. Narendra Mustare, “Development of Biological Feedback Model for the Analysis of Physiological Homeostasis”, International Conference on Advanced Research in
Computer Engineering and Technology, Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016.
3. Rakesh Kumar Godi and Dr. Narendra Mustare, “Efficient Techniques for Cancer Prediction Using ANN Classification Based on pH parameter”, International Journal of Science and
Research (IJSR), Volume 6, Issue 2, 2017.
4. “Analysis of E-Coli environment related to stages of Cancer” Published in International Journal of JMMS (PubMed) Vol.2 (1) pp601-608, Jan.2011.
5. “Analysis of Oxidative Phosphorylation of E.Coli in VHDL focused on gene sequence alteration”.
Published in International Journal of JMMS (PubMed). Vol. 2(3) pp758-762, March 2011.
6. “Classification of Brain Cancer using artificial neural network” International Journal on Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET), ISSN 2277-4378,Vol.1 No.5,2012.
7. “Development of biological feedback Model for the analysis of Physiological Model” Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) Volume 6, Issue 2, April 2017 ISSN: 2278 – 1323.
8. “Efficient Technique for Cancer Prediction Using ANN Classification Based on pH Parameter” published in International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391.
9. “Cancer Prediction Based on pH Parameter Using Computer Aided Technique” communicated to Inter/national Journal of JMMS (PuBMed) jan.2018


National : 1
International: 10
B.Tech : 16
M.Tech : 2