CVR College Of Engineering
Department Of
Information Technology

Faculty Details

Basic Information

  • Name: Dr. S Venkata Suryanarayana
  • Designation: Associate Professor
  • Qualification: M.Tech., PhD
  • Date of Joining: 09-04-2017
  • Email:
  • Specialization/Research Area: Data Mining, Machine Learning and Algorithms
  • Total Papers Published: 11
Teaching :11 years
Research : 6 years

1. Kalli Srinivasa Nageswara Prasad & Sri. S.V.Suryanarayana, Conserving Seclusion In Distributed Data Mining Over Horizontally Partitioned Data, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) � volume 4 Issue10 � Oct 2013.

2. G.Naga Bhushanam, D.Srikar & S.V.Suryanarayana, Cloud Computing to Traditional approaches, International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET) -Volume 3 Issue 8 - December, 2014

3. M L V A Priya,S Venkata Suryanarayana & Dr. K S N Prasad"A Novel and Secure Mining of Data in Distributed Architecture", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V17(5),243-246 Nov 2014.

4. S.V.Suryanarayana, G.Ramakrishna & Dr.G.Venkateswara Rao, Spectral Clustering: Advanced Clustering Techniques, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering(IJARCSSE)- Volume 4, Issue 11, November 2014.

5. S.V.Suryanarayana, Dr.G.Venkateswara Rao& Dr. G.Veereswara Swamy, A Survey : Spectral Clustering Applications and its Enhancements , International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies(IJCSIT), Vol. 6, issue1 , Jan-2015.

6. S V Suryanarayana, Dr. G Venkateswara Rao and Dr. G Veeraswamy, Spectral Clustering Algorithm for Navie Users, ACM International Conference on Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering & Technology (ICARCSET 2015), Eluru, Andhra Pradesh, India, in 6th & 7th March 2015.

7. N.CHANDRAKALA, S.V.SURYANARAYANA, Alert Aggregation Based Pattern Classifier for Effective Network Intrusion Detection System using KDD Dataset, International Journal of Advanced Technology and Innovative Research(IJATIR) Volume.07, IssueNo.21, December-2015, Pages: 4118-4122

8. P. MANIKANTA, S. V. SURYANARAYANA, Analysis of Fast Nearest Neighbour Search using IR2-Tree, International Journal of Advanced Technology and Innovative Research(IJATIR) Volume.07, IssueNo.20, December-2015, Pages: 4000-4004.

9. S V Suryanarayana, Dr. G Venkateswara Rao and Dr. G Veeraswara Swamy, Improved Spectral Clustering Algorithm by using Appropriate Scaling Facor, International journal of applied computing(IJAC- Scopus indexed) Volume.9, Issue No.1(2016).

10. S V Suryanarayana, Dr. G Venkateswara Rao and Dr. G Veeraswamy, The role of the scaling factor in spectral clustering, published in IEEEXplore with DOI: 10.1109/INVENTIVE.2016.7830201.( Scopus indexed)

11. S V Suryanarayana, Dr. G Venkateswara Rao and Dr. G Veeraswara Swamy, Major Issues In Spectral Clustering Algorithm To Improve The Quality Of Output Clusters, published in AISC series of Springer with DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-3325-4_8.( Scopus indexed)
National :0
B.Tech :10
M.Tech :7